2002 – The Increasing Perils of Homosexuality and Pedophilia In America

WHEREAS, recent events have demonstrated the acceptance of homosexual priests in the Roman Catholic Church, both in their churches and seminaries, for many years and

WHEREAS, this acceptance of homosexual men in the priesthood has contributed to the crimes of pedophilia against children and ephebophilia against teenagers, who were entrusted within the care and ministries of the Roman Catholic Church, and

WHEREAS, these crimes have caused serious long-term mental, physical and spiritual damages to the young victims, and

WHEREAS, most research clearly shows that pedophiles and ephebophiles cannot be psychologically rehabilitated, making them a continuing threat to others, and

WHEREAS, there are legitimate cause-and-effect issues raised by the Roman Catholic Church which impose celibacy (contrary to Scripture) upon its personnel and the significantly higher number of pedophilia and ephebophilia incidents within Roman Catholic ministries, and

WHEREAS, recent revelations have shown that pedophilia and ephebophilia are not limited to the Roman Catholic Church but have also been acknowledged by the Mormons, as well as others, and

WHEREAS, much has been done to shield these predators from criminal prosecution and from the knowledge of the public, resulting in more victims in more places across our country, as well as other places in the world, and

WHEREAS, sexual perversions such as homosexuality, pedophilia, ephebophilia, incest, rape and adultery are clearly marked as sins in Scripture, deserving strong condemnation from both the true Church and the State,

BE IT, THEREFORE, RESOLVED that we the members of the Independent Baptist Fellowship of North America meeting in Middleburg Heights, Ohio, on June 25-27, 2002, do hereby condemn sexual perversions, as defined by the Scriptures, and warn against the tacit approval of homosexual lifestyles and practices, as well as the coverup of related crimes by the Roman Catholic Church,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we mark the Roman Catholic Church as, apostate for its perversion of Bible doctrine including the requirement of celibacy within its clergy (1 Timothy 4:1-3) and consider the recent lawsuits and investigations as the reaping of a whirlwind of its own making by its blatant disobedience to Scripture,

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that we condemn any organization which seeks to make sexual perversions more acceptable and conceals criminal acts against children and teenagers, including the Roman Catholic Church, the Mormons as well as Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation, which have offered abortions to victims of statutory rape but concealed the crimes from law enforcement authorities. We further note that no civilization in history that accepted sexual perversity, such as homosexuality, has ever survived for very long and encourage our government’s leadership to deny any legitimacy to such people since more than 35 percent of all sex crimes in America are committed by homosexuals.