2007 – Earnestly Contending for the Faith
WHEREAS our generation has been commanded to “earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints” (Jude 1:3) as all generations before us; and
WHEREAS this “faith which was once delivered unto the saints” is today under attack from many different sources, such as:
1. The “Purpose Driven” movement, and many similar positions which encourage physical growth at the expense of Biblical separation and spiritual growth implying that the sole purpose of the church is to grow physically. The Bible teaches that the purpose of the church is to glorify God above all else (Ephesians 1:6, 12). Because Rick Warren has erred in his purpose for the church, he has erred in his methodology, bringing in Contemporary Christian Music and Christian Rock, emphasizing that whatever brings in more people is to be sought after rather than seeking after Biblical principles and doctrine. He has encouraged churches to diminish the use of Bible sermons, and instead has substituted drama, and other forms of entertainment to please his audience.
2. Postmodernism with its denial of absolute truth continues to make inroads into churches, schools, and seminaries. This denial of absolute truth has resulted in the exaltation of man, the veneration of experience above the Word of God, the deconstruction of Biblical texts, the diminishing of Biblical theology, the practice of pragmatism, the embracing of religious pluralism, and the philosophy known as the “Emerging Church.” The Emerging Church redefines the church and belittles and abolishes the local church as the duly organized body of believers under the Headship of Christ, with pastors, deacons and membership (Philippians 1:1) and replaces it with a false understanding of a “universal church” with no common faith, no ability to “labor together” (1 Corinthians 3:9) for the furtherance of the Gospel (Philippians 1:27), no desire to give to the “common interests” of the body (1 Corinthians 16:1-2), nor any defense of the “common faith” (Jude 1:3). The Bible directly asserts that it is the Word of God and is absolute truth, and that we are sanctified through it (John 17:17).
3. The threat of terrorism, is also used by Islamic terrorists to force the acceptance of their beliefs on others without any regard for the historic Christian faith. This threat is both imminent and great. No compromise is possible with them since their desire is to eradicate all Bible-based faith and practice (Ephesians 5:9-13).
4. Contemporary Christian Music, and its accompanying Christian Rock continue to undermine the moral fiber of churches and give a mixed message that combines ungodly, carnal, and worldly music with lyrics that are supposedly “Christian” in nature. This philosophy is contrary to the clear teaching of Biblical separation and is clearly seen to be so in the lives and demeanor of the “performers” (Acts 26:18).
5. Neo-Evangelicalism continues to be a threat to the existence of Biblical Christianity for the next generation. Its supporters continue to have problems with taking any kind of an obedient stand in opposition to any threats against the fundamentals of the Christian faith. In taking no side in any battle, it gives comfort and aid to the enemies of the “faith which was once delivered unto the saints” and discourages the hearts of those that are trying “to stand against the wiles of the devil” (Ephesians 6:11).
6. Liberalism has taken new approaches to denying all Biblical truth. While they continue to attack every doctrine of the Scriptures, they have now attacked the doctrine of the Resurrection by saying they have found the tomb and body of our Lord. They have enlisted the Young Evangelicals of the Emerging Church to attack such doctrines as the death of Christ, calling it “Cosmic Child Abuse.” Liberalism has resorted to an attack against those that hold to Biblical truth, trying to silence us directly through legislation of so-called “hate crimes.” Such legislation would remove our freedom to pronounce the “whole counsel of God” regarding homosexuality, abortion, morality in public office, and other areas that liberal politicians consider “politically incorrect” (Matthew 14:3-4). There are also numerous efforts to outlaw spanking of children, defining it as “child abuse” and thus identifying Biblical parents as law-breakers and abusers (Proverbs 23:13-1 4).
THEREFORE be it resolved that we, the members of the Independent Baptist Fellowship of North America, being assembled in our annual meeting in Williamsburg, Virginia, June 19-21, 2007 do hereby dedicate ourselves anew to the defense of the historic Christian faith which was once for all delivered unto the saints against all of its enemies; and
We also resolve to oppose and expose all those who would attack the historic Christian faith, and to support a military response to those who would bring an armed attack to destroy our freedom to propagate the faith.
We further resolve to educate younger pastors in Biblical doctrine and the responsibility of passing on the faith to the next generation (II Timothy 2:2).