2022 – Resolution on a Biblical Response to “Pride Month”
Whereas Scripture declares God’s abhorrence of sexual immorality (1 Corinthians 7:1-5; 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5); and
Whereas the world has largely disregarded Biblical values regarding sexual sin and God’s moral instruction for society; and
Whereas in the name of tolerance and inclusion, the world has publicly promoted sexual immorality as being acceptable and good; and
Whereas our society has heavily promoted the immoral and unbiblical agenda of the LGBTQIA+ movement in a blatant attempt to legitimize and normalize that which goes against God’s natural order, labeling any disagreement with their warped view as intolerant and hateful; and
Whereas Christianity has always held a distinct sexual ethic, especially in the days of the early church in Roman culture, having values from which our faith calls for a higher purpose for human sexuality than merely living according to one’s desired pleasures; and
Whereas homosexuality is a sin which God condemns and, unless we cherish God’s design for human sexual intimacy, we will be guilty of corrupting biblical marriage between a man and a woman, dishonoring the body, and nullifying His procreative purpose of mankind (Genesis 1:26-28; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10; Ephesians 5:5, 21ff).
Be it, therefore, resolved that we, the members of the Independent Baptist Fellowship of North America meeting at Hope Baptist Church, Hanover, PA, June 21–23, 2022, will strive, as American culture becomes ever more secular, to strengthen our belief in the truthfulness and necessity of the Gospel and the Scriptures. We will be steadfast and unmovable as we trust the Scriptural teaching on sexuality.
Be it further resolved that we will cherish the gift of heterosexual intimacy in marriage and reject all deviation, and we will strive to be steadfast in our biblical stand, not condoning the public agenda of the LGBTQIA+ movement but rejecting its acceptance in our lives. We will reject their misuse of God’s promise of the rainbow which, while being a symbol of love, is also clearly a testimony of God’s mercy and judgment.
Be it finally resolved that we will not only speak in truth against the sinfulness of the LGBTQIA+ movement but will, out of God’s great abundance of grace, mercy and love, seek to bring all people to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. There are many who feel marginalized and abandoned, and they are seeking acceptance in their sinfulness. We must be clear that the only true acceptance for all humanity is in the grace of God found in salvation through Christ’s death on the cross for their sin.