2015 Family Conference “Occupy Till I Come” Dates: June 16-18, 2015 Location: Marshall Baptist Church, Winston Salem, NC Here are the 2015 Conference Sessions … IBFNA15 6-16 9AM John Holmes-Occupy Till I Come.mp3Download IBFNA15 6-16 10AM Billy Martin-Israel The Key to Prophecy.mp3Download IBFNA15 6-16 11AM Marty Marriott-Purification-The Goal of Prophecy.mp3Download IBFNA15 6-16 7PM Clay Nuttall-Practical Applications of the Imminent Return.mp3Download IBFNA15 6-17 9AM Marty Marriott-Importance of Literal Interpretation of Rev 20.mp3Download IBFNA15 6-17 10AM Billy Martin-What Time Is It.mp3Download IBFNA15 6-17 7PM Marty Marriott-Satan The Child Israel Revelation 12.mp3Download IBFNA15 6-18 9AM Joshua Franklin-The Vacuum at the Rapture 2Thes 2_1-12.mp3Download IBFNA15 6-18 10AM Billy Martin-For My Love and For My Adversaries Ps 109_4.mp3Download IBFNA15 6-18 11AM Steve Pittman-Mission of the Church in Light of the Rapture.mp3Download IBFNA15 6-18 7PM Marty Marriott-Prophecys Hope for Today.mp3Download IBFNA15 6-16 7PM Clay Nuttall-Imminency PowerpointDownload