2019 – Warning Against the Seduction of Socialism and the Decline of Biblical Capitalism in America
Whereas we are witness to the rampant advance of Collectivism/Socialism and increasing government control of the lives of all our citizens, born and unborn, and
Whereas these perverse doctrines are being widely promoted from the hall of government to institutions of higher learning, public education and churches which no longer respect the authority of God’s Word, and
Whereas more recent generations of Americans demonstrate an ignorance of the biblical principles on which our nation was founded, and
Whereas, because of the persistent efforts to indoctrinate all citizens, including those who populate Bible-preaching churches, we are witness to a weakening between both our pastors and people that fails to establish superior biblical principles above the relentless propaganda,
Be It Therefore resolved that we, the members of the Independent Baptist Fellowship of North America, meeting at Chesapeake, VA, on June 18-20, 2019, will preach and teach our people from the Word of God those principles that have brought God’s blessings upon our nation (Psalm 33:12; Proverbs 13:34; II Chronicles 7:14; Acts 10:34).
Be It Further Resolved that we will identify those persons and organizations that promote Collectivism, in contrast to Biblical Capitalism, so that our people are not deceived by popular opinion and compromised media (Romans 16:17).
Be It Finally Resolved that we encourage intercessory prayer by God’s people for those who exercise authority over us that they might rule in the fear of God (I Tim. 2:1,2; II Samuel 23:3).