What makes us “Unique”?
IBFNA has no self-perpetuating board or hierarchy.
As biblical Baptists historically have done, we emphasize the “equality of the brethren.” Position, titles, or prominence do not lift one believer above another. We are on level ground before God and our brethren.
We are not only a Fellowship of pastors, but church members as well. We encourage and challenge the members of local Baptist churches to join the, IBFNA and stand with their pastors on the issues and initiatives of the day. All members have voting privilege.
We have no approval system of any kind.
Mission boards, educational institutions and social agencies remain in the hands of churches. We do not encroach on the sovereignty of the local churches by attempting to take from them decisions that belong to them nor do we intend to develop tests of loyalty based upon who churches support. Such encroachments tend to weaken local churches rather than to strengthen them. Associations are valuable only as long as they serve to strengthen the churches. We will, however, inform members of events and trends within agencies.
Local churches may register their support for the separatist position of the IBFNA.
By church vote, they can support it financially, no matter how small the amount, and can then be listed as a Supporting Church in the IBFNA Directory. They may cease that support and identification by simply not sending financial support. Individual memberships are not affected by whether their church does or does not become a “supporting church.”
Continuous individual membership in the IBFNA is not automatic.
Individuals must annually renew their agreement with and desire to remain associated with “our purpose.”
Churches and/or individuals desiring to be identified with this fellowship may do so by contacting the IBFNA coordinator (see below) and requesting the membership forms, enclosing the appropriate fee, and sending it/them to the Membership & Subscription Office.